Dominica, Small Island Developing State, Making Path to Become the First Climate-Resilient Nation

Dominica, Small Island Developing State, Making Path to Become the First Climate-Resilient Nation

By Richards, BN4Y News There are 51 Small Island Developing States (SIDS) which, despite their cultural and geographical diversity, share-alike economic as well as sustainable development challenges, including vulnerability to natural disasters and global developments. The climate of SIDS is affected by large ocean-atmosphere interactions like tropical cyclones, monsoons and hurricanes. These climate characteristics, combined […]

A New Chapter for Anguilla Tourist Board Just Started

Anguilla Tourism Board has a new deputy director. Mrs. Richardson will be responsible for managing the internal and external relationships.

A New Chapter for Anguilla Tourist Board Just Started

By Juergen T Steinmetz, ETurboNews The Board of Directors of the Anguilla Tourist Board (ATB) appointed Mrs. Chantelle Richardson to the position of Deputy Director of Tourism, effective June 20, 2022. In her new capacity, Mrs. Richardson will be predominantly responsible for leading and managing the Anguilla Tourist Board’s internal and external relationships and communications, […]

Colombian Voters Elect Country’s First Black Vice President

Colombian Voters Elect Country’s First Black Vice President

Bogota, Colombia; November 22, 2021: Francia Marquez Mina, Afro-descendant woman, Colombian presidential candidate, environmental activist and feminist from “Soy porque somos” social movement. (Shutterstock) By Manuel Rueda and Astrid Suarez, LA Times As Colombia’s voters put aside a longtime antipathy to leftists and chose one as their new president, they also carved out another milestone […]