A Historic Step Forward for Ocean Governance in the Wider Caribbean

A Historic Step Forward for Ocean Governance in the Wider Caribbean

By Caribbean Business Report 

 The Ocean Coordination Mechanism (OCM) for the Wider Caribbean has been officially activated and will commence its activities this year, marking a significant achievement in advancing the sustainable management of marine resources in the region. 


With the signature of the Government of the Bahamas on 19 December 2024 and of the IOC of UNESCO on 14 January 2025, a total of 17 States and 9 Intergovernmental Orga nizations (IGOs) have now signed the “Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Enabling the Creation of a Coordination Mechanism to Support Integrated Ocean Governance in the Caribbean and NorthBrazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems.”

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 The OCM is designed to facilitate enhanced collaboration among countries, IGOs, and other ocean stakeholders, promoting well-coordinated efforts to restore and preserve the region’s valuable marine ecosystems. By fostering synergies and improving efficiency, it aims to address critical environmen tal challenges while unlocking the economic, environmental, and social benefits of a healthy ocean. 


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Key initiatives of the OCM include the development of a holistic Ocean Action Pro gramme, the launch of a periodic reporting mechanism on the “State of the Marine Environment and Associated Economies”, and supporting the strengthening of climate resilient ocean-based economies – the latter being of key importance for the region’s many Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

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