Evaluating Presidential Candidates through the Lens of the Torah: Biden vs. Trump

Evaluating Presidential Candidates through the Lens of the Torah: Biden vs. Trump

By Brian Figeroux, Esq. 

The Torah, the central reference of the religious Judaic tradition, provides comprehensive guidance on ethics, leadership, and justice. It contains timeless principles that can inform the evaluation of leaders in modern contexts. This analysis examines the teachings of the Torah to assess the qualities of Joe Biden and Donald Trump as presidential candidates in the 2024 election, with particular consideration of Biden’s age and Trump’s felony convictions.

Key Themes in the Torah

  1. Justice (Tzedek)
  2. Deuteronomy 16:20:

   “Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may live and possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you.”

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   – This verse emphasizes the importance of justice as a cornerstone of leadership. Leaders must pursue justice in their policies and actions, ensuring fairness and righteousness.

  1. Leviticus 19:15:

   “Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.”

   – Fair and unbiased judgment is crucial for leaders, ensuring everyone is treated equitably.

  1. Integrity and Honesty (Emet)
  2. Exodus 18:21:

   “But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens.”

   – Leaders must be trustworthy and honest, eschewing corruption and dishonesty.

  1. Proverbs 12:22:

   “The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.”

   – Honesty is a fundamental virtue, essential for gaining the trust and respect of the people.

  1. Wisdom and Discernment (Chochmah)
  2. Proverbs 4:7:

   “The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”

   – Wisdom is paramount for effective leadership, enabling leaders to make sound decisions and govern justly.

  1. Ecclesiastes 10:2:

   “The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.”

   – Discernment and the ability to make wise choices are essential leadership qualities.

  1. Compassion and Humility (Chesed and Anavah)
  2. Micah 6:8:

   “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

   – Leaders should embody compassion, mercy, and humility, prioritizing the welfare of the people.

  1. Proverbs 22:4:

   “Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches and honor and life.”

   – Humility is a valued trait for leaders, ensuring they remain grounded and focused on serving others.

Evaluating Biden and Trump Through the Lens of the Torah

  1. Joe Biden

Integrity and Moral Character:

– A focus on empathy, integrity, and a commitment to ethical governance has primarily marked Biden’s long career in public service. His scandal-free career aligns with the Torah’s emphasis on honesty and integrity (Exodus 18:21).

Age and Wisdom:

   – At 81, Biden’s age raises concerns about his physical and mental stamina. However, the Torah values wisdom and experience, which are often associated with age and the consultation of others. Biden’s extensive experience and consultative decision-making process reflect these values (Proverbs 4:7).

Policies on Social Justice:

   – Biden’s policy proposals focus on healthcare, education, and support for marginalized communities, aligning with the Torah’s emphasis on justice and compassion (Deuteronomy 16:20). His commitment to addressing systemic inequalities and promoting social welfare is consistent with the values of justice and mercy.

Accountability and Transparency:

   – Biden’s willingness to admit mistakes and adapt indicates a level of accountability valued in the Torah. His transparency in addressing his age and health issues demonstrates integrity and honesty (Proverbs 12:22).

  1. Donald Trump

Integrity and Moral Character:

   – Controversies, including multiple felony convictions, have marked Trump’s presidency and public life. These legal issues raise serious questions about his adherence to the principles of integrity and honesty emphasized in the Torah (Exodus 18:21).

Leadership Style and Decision-Making:

   – Trump’s decisiveness and focus on economic growth reflect a pragmatic approach to leadership. However, his often unilateral decision-making style lacks the consultative aspect praised in the Torah, particularly in the context of wisdom and discernment (Proverbs 4:7).

Policies on Social Justice:

   – Trump’s policies emphasize strong national interests and economic growth but have been criticized for lacking compassion in areas like immigration and social justice. His approach does not fully align with the Torah’s call for justice and compassion (Leviticus 19:15).

Accountability and Legal Issues:

– Trump’s felony convictions and ongoing legal battles highlight significant issues with accountability. The Torah underscores the importance of leaders being accountable for their actions, and Trump’s legal troubles suggest challenges in this area (Proverbs 12:22).

Comparative Analysis

Integrity and Legal Issues

The Torah emphasizes the importance of integrity and moral uprightness in leadership. Biden’s relatively scandal-free career and commitment to ethical governance align more closely with these principles. In contrast, Trump’s felony convictions significantly deviate from the Torah’s standards of integrity and honesty.

Wisdom and Experience

The Torah values wisdom and experience, which are often associated with age and consultation. Biden’s long career in public service and consultative approach reflect these values, despite concerns about his age. Trump’s leadership style, while decisive, often lacks the collaborative and discerning qualities highlighted in the Torah.

Justice and Compassion

Biden’s focus on social justice and support for marginalized communities aligns with the Torah’s emphasis on justice and compassion. While Trump’s policies emphasize economic growth, they have been criticized for not fully addressing issues of social justice and compassion.

Accountability and Service

The Torah values leaders who are accountable and serve selflessly. Biden’s career reflects a commitment to public service and accountability. Trump’s leadership style and legal issues raise significant concerns about his alignment with these Torah principles.


The Torah emphasizes qualities such as integrity, wisdom, justice, compassion, and accountability as essential for righteous leadership. In evaluating Joe Biden and Donald Trump through the lens of these Torah principles, Biden’s long career in public service, focus on social justice, and overall adherence to ethical standards align more closely with the values emphasized in the Torah. Trump’s decisiveness and economic focus are notable, but his felony convictions and approach to governance raise significant concerns about his alignment with the Torah’s principles of integrity and accountability.

Ultimately, the teachings of the Torah suggest that a leader who upholds righteousness, seeks wisdom, balances justice with compassion, serves selflessly, and maintains accountability is best suited for leadership. In this context, Biden’s qualities and record appear more closely aligned with these Torah ideals.

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