Columbia University President Accused of Covering Up Decades of Racial Intimidation and Fraud
Criminal complaints filed against Columbia President Lee C. Bollinger allege that he masterminded a $650,000 bribery, arbitration fraud, $5,000/day extortion, and judicial corruption scheme to avoid a $200 million dollar class action lawsuit, already scheduled jury trial, and arbitration for suppressing equal opportunity for Blacks and other minorities by abusing his connections to corrupt attorneys and a bribe-condoning federal judge.

New York, NY ( — Americans United for Equal Justice Founder, Randy S. Raghavendra, has filed criminal complaints against Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger with the New York State Attorney General and other law enforcement agencies alleging that he had masterminded a recently discovered $650,000 bribery, fraud, $5,000/day extortion, subornation of perjury, RICO, and obstruction […]