Call for DOE to Develop Curriculum on Religious Diversity

Call for DOE to Develop Curriculum on Religious Diversity

Photo credit:  ESB Professional /  Resolution 95, sponsored by Council Member Shahana Hanif, would call upon the New York City Department of Education to consult with faith-based organizations to develop and provide all grade levels with a curriculum that focuses on religious diversity. The resolution also calls for providing professional development focused on religious […]

Religion in the Workplace is Tricky – but Employers and Employees Both Lose When It Becomes a Total Taboo

Religion in the Workplace is Tricky – but Employers and Employees Both Lose When It Becomes a Total Taboo

By THE CONVERSATION | Editorial Credit: 9Nong /  Since we spend so much of our lives at our jobs, it’s only natural that conversations with colleagues go beyond the work in front of us. People share interests and hobbies, family struggles, health concerns, and hopes or goals, from the silly to the serious. The […]