The Arleigh Louison Immigration Fraud Case

The Arleigh Louison Immigration Fraud Case

By Mary Campbell.

Oftentimes, people make decisions that can negatively or positively impact their and their family’s lives. As such, when making certain decisions, individuals must ensure that it is the best one, not just for themselves, but for the other parties involved.

Sadly, this is no longer the case in today’s society. Persons are now driven by greed, selfishness, fear, misinformation and an unwelcoming sense of ignorance and desperation. No longer do we display patience, honesty and true compassion for all.

A case in point is being undocumented in America. This can be a very frustrating situation which can eventually cause a person to do one of many things in the face of desperation, especially with Donald Trump as the current President.

In looking for a way out, the wrong opportunity may present itself and persons may fall victims or be preyed upon by those who seem to know more. Though this occurs all over the world, America has since turned out to be the breeding ground for fraud…immigration fraud for that matter.

The Republican Government led by Donald Trump has opened a can of worms that may or may not be closed anytime soon. In their efforts to make America great again, they have decided to target immigrants in this country, especially the undocumented ones. Making drastic changes to immigration policies, increasing their deportation agenda — thereby separating families in the process and intensifying police brutality among people of color, are all deportation tactics.

The Time Has Come
One may beg the questions: why so much hate? Why does it have to be the way it is where black lives are concerned? Haven’t we already been through enough some four hundred years ago? Haven’t our forefathers and foremothers sacrificed enough so that we can be free, free to live in peace and experience true happiness wherever we are?

I believe they have. I believe the time has truly come for people of color to reap the benefits of what this life has to offer to us, but like always, there will be opposition. As usual, the opposed will come up with different ways to prevent this predestined occurrence, causing us to falter in our ways due to frustration and desperation.

Unfortunate Immigration Fraud
This brings me to the unfortunate development with regards to immigration fraud involving Arleigh Louison, a Grenadian national and New York resident, who orchestrated a sham immigration practice in an office building located on 223rd Lenox Road, Brooklyn. Federal law enforcement agents arrested Louison on July 18, 2019, and he has been indicted in Vermont on 12 counts of making false statements and submitting over 1,800 fraudulent immigration applications to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Efforts by this publication to get an update on the status of Louison’s case from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Vermont, was met with “No comments at this time.”

Because of frustration and desperation, persons were lured in the trap…believing that it was a way out of their present situations; not understanding the ultimate implication it will bring in the long run. To read the stories of his victims, please visit

Since Louison has been arrested for immigration fraud, the files of all his clients will be reviewed. Additionally, every single client will be served an Notice to Appear (NTA) and be interviewed by ICE agents with the sole purpose of seeking an admission to initiate deportation proceedings. If you are a client of Louison, it is imperative that you consult with an AILA attorney and do not meet with ICE alone. You should also seek the advice of more than one counsel.

People of color must remember that patience is a virtue. We must also know who we are as a people and not allow the planned distractions to cloud our minds.

The U Visa
A quick fix is never the best way forward. We must continue to be a people of resilience, a people of hope, a people of true determination.a people of good moral values.

Despite all odds, there is always a ram in the bush. For the persons who were blindsided by the recent immigration fraud, there is hope. Through the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, Congress created specific immigration benefits, including U-nonimmigrant status, also known as the “U Visa” for victims of certain crimes.

The U Visa also enables victims of certain crimes to assist investigations or prosecutors by allowing victims to temporarily remain and work in the U.S. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is the federal agency within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that adjudicates immigration and citizenship benefits and has jurisdiction to determine who is eligible for a U Visa.

Making Things Right
If you have been a victim of immigration fraud and want to make things right for yourself and your family, get in touch with a good immigration lawyer or tune in to the Ask The Lawyer Radio Show on Thursdays from 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm or Sundays from 11:00 pm – 12:00 am on WVIP 93.5 FM. Also, for a FREE consultation or to refer a client, visit

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