Lax School Cell Phone Policies Put Burden on Teachers, Leave Students Confused

Lax School Cell Phone Policies Put Burden on Teachers, Leave Students Confused

Photo: An eighth-grade student turns her phone off after checking it during class. May 26, 2023 Credit: Elaine Cromie for Chalkbeat By Amy Zimmer, Chalkbeat New York This story was originally published by Chalkbeat. Sign up for their newsletters at On its face, the cell phone policy at Forest Hills High School seems clear: Phones cannot be used in school and […]

NY is Changing High School Graduation Requirements. Here’s What’s Next in the Multi-Year Effort.

NY is Changing High School Graduation Requirements. Here’s What’s Next in the Multi-Year Effort.

By Julian Shen-Berro, Chalkbeat New York This story was originally published by Chalkbeat. Sign up for their newsletters at Students will no longer be required to pass the state’s Regents exams to earn a high school diploma under a set of proposed actions New York Education officials outlined on Monday. Instead, they will have a menu of options […]

Amid Record High NYC Homeless Student Population, Calls Grow For Laundry Machines In Schools

Amid Record High NYC Homeless Student Population, Calls Grow For Laundry Machines In Schools

By Julian Shen-Berro, Chalkbeat New York This story was originally published by Chalkbeat. Sign up for their newsletters at More than a decade ago, Principal Joseph Mattina noticed students at P.S. 23 Carter G. Woodson were consistently arriving at the Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, elementary school without their uniforms. Initially, Mattina grew frustrated with the students, asking why […]

Schools Look to Virtual Learning to Reduce Class Sizes

Schools Look to Virtual Learning to Reduce Class Sizes

By Alex Zimmerman, Chalkbeat To reduce New York City’s class sizes under a new state mandate, Department of Education officials floated one option to help principals comply: virtual learning. In a plan released this week outlining ways that schools could meet the law’s goals, the Education Department suggested that some students could “receive regular remote instruction, […]

Education and Practical Deterrence Strategies Will Prevent People from Committing Crimes; Not Unproven Theories

Education and Practical Deterrence Strategies Will Prevent People from Committing Crimes; Not Unproven Theories

Recently, I was on a call exploring the intricacies of Diaspora engagement. In my preparation for the dialogue, I wanted to make sure I could explain Diaspora Engagement before I went on the show. Three of the more popular definitions of Diaspora engagements for Jamaica are strategy # 1) the government of Jamaica developing measures aimed […]

The Power of Touch is Vital for Both Reading and Writing

The Power of Touch is Vital for Both Reading and Writing

By Naomi S. Baron | The Conversation “Pat the Bunny,” the 1940 classic touch-and-feel book, is still in print – a testament to the value of touch in introducing infants and toddlers to the world of reading. Later, when children reach school age, a common technique for teaching the alphabet is using hands-on manipulation, such […]

Building the Path to Financial Independence: Key Aspects and Habits

Building the Path to Financial Independence: Key Aspects and Habits

Originally published on April is designated as Financial Literacy Month. And financial literacy is the knowledge to of how to make smart decisions with money. Many aspire to financial independence, yet it requires planning, discipline, and commitment. It’s more than just accumulating wealth; it’s about attaining the freedom to live on your own terms […]

Filing for Bankruptcy in 2024: What You Need to Know

Filing for Bankruptcy in 2024: What You Need to Know

When thinking of filing for bankruptcy, understanding the bankruptcy process and the available options can be challenging. This article provides general information, not legal advice, to simplify things for you.  What Is Bankruptcy? “What is bankruptcy?” This is a common question when facing financial challenges. Life happens, and factors such as illness, divorce, foreclosure, or […]

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