Divide & Conquer, President Trump and Elon Musk’s Strategy of Dividing Poor America from Working Together for Economic Equality

Divide & Conquer, President Trump and Elon Musk’s Strategy of Dividing Poor America from Working Together for Economic Equality

By Esther Claudette Gittens | Editorial credit: Frederic Legrand – COMEO / shuttertsock.com  In recent years, the United States has witnessed a deepening polarization, with tensions escalating between certain segments of the white working-class population and proponents of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. This divide has been influenced by political figures and influential leaders, […]

Resisting the Evils of MAGAISM The Bishop Who Stood Up to Trump

Resisting the Evils of MAGAISM The Bishop Who Stood Up to Trump

By Dr. Ron Daniels | Editorial credit: John Gomez / shutterstock.com  In the spirit of resistance and transformation which I have been repeatedly advocating, it was so refreshing, gratifying even, to witness Mariann Budde, the first female Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C., speak truth to power at the interfaith inauguration prayer service at […]

It’s Time for NYC to Lead on Climate Action

It’s Time for NYC to Lead on Climate Action

By Cooper Flaherty, CITY LIMITS | Editorial credit: Noah Labinaz / shutterstock.com  “Climate activists, especially young people, know we can’t wait four years to prevent the worst of the crisis. The longer we wait to act, the more politicians and corporations take away from the futures of people growing up right now.” In the wake of […]

The High Cost of Child Care

The High Cost of Child Care

A Message from the Comptroller   Dear New Yorkers, As we start the new year, job growth has continued nationwide. That’s true in New York City as well, although local numbers are flatter and lag behind national ones in sectors other than health care and social assistance. The city’s tourism industry has rebounded to pre-pandemic […]

Trinidad and Tobago’s Streets are a Bloodbath. Yet all our Politicians offer are Platitudes

Trinidad and Tobago’s Streets are a Bloodbath. Yet all our Politicians offer are Platitudes

By Kenneth Mohammed, THE GUARDIAN  A state of emergency has been declared amid unprecedented gun violence, but no one in our stagnating government is taking responsibility. Just before the new year, Trinidad and Tobago’s government declared a state of emergency after a weekend of gun violence. Trinidad and Tobago, a country of about 1.5 million people and once the […]

MTA Needs to Do More to Increase Procurement Efficiencies and Save Money

MTA Needs to Do More to Increase Procurement Efficiencies and Save Money

By: Thomas P. DiNapoli | Editorial credit: Here Now Audit Finds Multi-Billion Dollar Procurements Still Follow Old Processes, Despite Promise of MTA’s Transformation Plan The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has not done enough to consolidate its procurements across its agencies to save money as was expected under its Transformation Plan, according to an audit released today by […]

Bringing Solar Energy to NYC Schools and Public Buildings

Bringing Solar Energy to NYC Schools and Public Buildings

By Sandy Nurse and Gary LaBarbera, CITY LIMITS  “This solar program is a game changer: it will reduce harmful air pollution, fight climate change, and create high-quality jobs installing and maintaining solar panels.” This month, students, teachers, and union workers gathered at P.S.19/M315 in Manhattan to celebrate a huge win for our communities and our planet: a new […]

Trump’s Anti-immigrant Crusade Doesn’t Even Respect Citizens

Trump’s Anti-immigrant Crusade Doesn’t Even Respect Citizens

  By Maribel Hastings, America’s Voice | Editorial credit: John Gomez / shutterstock.com  Will Donald Trump carry out his Machiavellian anti-immigrant promises? Last Sunday, on NBC’s Meet the Press, he reiterated that mass deportations are a fact, starting with “criminals,” and that he would abolish  U.S. citizenship by birth. But he also affirmed that he […]

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