Students and parents in Grenada benefit from Early Grade Reading!

Students and parents in Grenada benefit from Early Grade Reading!

By OECS Wednesday, October 7, 2020 — St. Georges Methodist School in Grenada was first introduced to the Early Learners Programme in January 2017 and has seen a marked improvement in their early grade students’ reading levels as a result. Despite trepidation to start, the Principal and teachers embraced the various ELP initiatives and incorporated those […]

Today is World Teachers’ Day

Today is World Teachers’ Day

Today is designated as World Teachers’ Day! Today is also the day that due to increased COVID19 cases in New York, schools are about to close in 19 zip codes across Brooklyn. Today as well, Jamaican teachers and students return to school on virtual google platforms. Schools are the most vulnerable places when it comes […]

Emotionally Preparing Your Children for Back-to-School Season

Emotionally Preparing Your Children for Back-to-School Season

Between sheltering-in-place, online learning, and time away from friends, many children will need a little extra support as they head back to school this fall. Consider these tips from the experts to help you emotionally prepare your children to return to school with confidence, optimism, and excitement. Address your feelings (and theirs) Children often take […]

Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza Announce Test and Trace Protocols for NYC Public Schools

Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza Announce Test and Trace Protocols for NYC Public Schools

NEW YORK – Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza today announced health and safety protocols, including guidance for testing and tracing, for schools for  the start of the 2020-21 school year.  These protocols will apply to all school communities and will help prevent the spread of COVID-19.   “We are doing everything in our […]

Remote Learning: Inequality and Poverty in New York’s City’s Public Schools

Remote Learning: Inequality and Poverty in New York’s City’s Public Schools

By Linda N As the 2019/2020 school year draws to a close, and summer break is just around the corner. Public schools in New York City will be joining their counterparts to end the school year by June. To many, describing the session as challenging would be an understatement, as educators’, administrators, students, and other […]

NYC’s Homeschooling Option: Any Family Can Choose Full-Time Remote Learning This Fall

NYC’s Homeschooling Option: Any Family Can Choose Full-Time Remote Learning This Fall

By Reema Amin, Chalkbeat, and Christina Veiga, Chalkbeat , THE CITY New York City families will be able to keep their children home this fall and opt for a full remote school schedule regardless of medical need, education department officials said Thursday. Mayor Bill de Blasio had previously indicated such an accommodation would be allowed, […]

5 Things College Students Should Include In a Plan for Their Wellness

5 Things College Students Should Include In a Plan for Their Wellness

By Sandra M. Chafouleas, The Conversation As a psychologist and the mother of two college-aged students, I am concerned about my children’s future emotional well-being. I know that the late teens to early 20s are a time when the majority of many lifetime mental health disorders take hold. Given all the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic – […]

Tough Test Ahead: Bringing Racial Diversity to New York’s Specialized High Schools

Tough Test Ahead: Bringing Racial Diversity to New York’s Specialized High Schools

By Bruce Cory and Nicole Mader There’s a longstanding debate about why so few Black and Hispanic students are admitted to New York City’s specialized high schools, including Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, and Brooklyn Tech. They accounted for fewer than 9% of students offered admissions at eight specialized schools for the current school year; that’s down […]

Why Shouldn’t New York’s Wealthiest P.T.A.s Share With Its Neediest Schools?

Why Shouldn’t New York’s Wealthiest P.T.A.s Share With Its Neediest Schools?

By The Editorial Board, NY Times New York City’s public school system is already one of the most segregated and unequal in the country. Why then should its parent-teacher associations exacerbate inequality? New York’s P.T.A.s are doing exactly that, according to city data and reports from the city’s Independent Budget Office. Across the city, the […]