Students Protest against Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo on Affordable Housing Issues

By Chereen James

Students Protest against Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo on Affordable Housing Issues

Sakia Fletcher, Medgar Evers College Student Body President A protest against Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo, who represents New York City’s Council District 35 (Prospect Heights, parts of Crown Heights and Bed-Stuy, Clinton Hill and Fort Greene), was held on May 10, 2019. Sparked by the suspension of Medgar Evers College Student Body President elect, Sakia Fletcher, […]

Student Loans and Bankruptcy: Why the Student Debt Crisis Hits Black Borrowers Harder

If you are a borrower, but especially a black borrower, be wary of your due dates and sketch a plan of payment so you keep on top of your loan before it gets out of hand.

Student Loans and Bankruptcy: Why the Student Debt Crisis Hits Black Borrowers Harder

By now, we have all heard how immense the student debt crisis actually is. So, it should come as no surprise that student loans continue to wreak havoc on the lives of students who graduate with loan repayments. What is more, though, is that the loans carry on their effect long after students graduate. In the […]

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