Prime Minister Drew to Spearhead Geothermal Investment Talks in Middle East; DPM Hanley Assumes Acting Role

Prime Minister Drew to Spearhead Geothermal Investment Talks in Middle East; DPM Hanley Assumes Acting Role

Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis, April 10, 2024 (Press Secretary, PMO) – The Prime Minister’s Office wishes to inform the public that the Honorable Dr. Terrance Drew, Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, will be working abroad from Wednesday, April 10th, 2024, until Friday, April 19th, 2024.  During this period, Prime Minister Drew has indicated […]

Barbados Participates in First Saudi-Caribbean Investment Forum

Senior Minister Dr William Duguid led the Barbados contingent at the forum.

Barbados Participates in First Saudi-Caribbean Investment Forum

By Barbados Loop News A Barbados delegation led by Dr William Duguid, Senior Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, showcased a range of investment opportunities in Barbados at the first Saudi-Caribbean Investment Forum. Other members of the delegation included Paula Byer, acting deputy permanent secretary, Prime Minister’s Office, Sandra Payne, deputy chief executive officer, Invest […]

3 Members of the Saudi Hit Squad That Killed Jamal Khashoggi are Living in ‘Seven-Star’ Villas in Government Security Compound: Report

3 Members of the Saudi Hit Squad That Killed Jamal Khashoggi are Living in ‘Seven-Star’ Villas in Government Security Compound: Report

People hold pictures of Jamal Khashoggi during an event marking two-year anniversary of the assassination of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, 02 10.2020 (Shutterstock) By Azmi Haroun, Business Insider Multiple members of the Saudi hit squad that brutally murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018 are living in luxury […]

Afghanistan: How Many Refugees are There and Where Will They Go?

Afghanistan: How Many Refugees are There and Where Will They Go?

Sad Afghan girls protesting outside UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), demanding to be given refugee status in other country. – New Delhi, India-Aug 24 2021 (Shutterstock) By BBC News Thousands of people are scrambling to flee Afghanistan after the Taliban seized back control of the country, almost two decades after they were ousted […]

Can the World Stop Israel and Hamas From Committing war Crimes? 7 Questions Answered About International Law

Can the World Stop Israel and Hamas From Committing war Crimes? 7 Questions Answered About International Law

Palestinian factions launch a large batch of rockets from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, on May 11, 2021. (Shutterstock) By Asaf Lubin, The Conversation The deadliest fighting in years between Israel and Hamas had by mid-May killed over 200 Palestinians in Gaza, including dozens of children, and at least 10 in Israel. Both sides are accused […]

Statement by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Statement by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on the Israel-Palestine Conflict

By Staff Writer, CARICOM  The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is gravely concerned by the recent escalation in violence between the Israelis and the Palestinians. CARICOM joins the international community in calling for an immediate ceasefire and end to hostilities. CARICOM continues to support the United Nations’ efforts towards a two-state solution as the best way forward.

On GPS: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Intensifies

On GPS: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Intensifies

The tension between Israelis and Palestinians has been flaring up over the pas few days amid the escalating violence in East Jerusalem between Palestinian demonstrators and Israel. – Israel – 15 May 2021 (Shutterstock) By CNN Former U.S. special envoy Martin Indyk & modern Arab studies Prof. Rashid Khalidi break down the latest escalation between […]