Economic impact payment fix for 50,000 eligible spouses

Economic impact payment fix for 50,000 eligible spouses

By Karen Hobbs, Assistant Director, Division of Consumer & Business Education, FTC Are you married to someone who owes past-due child support? Was your portion of the economic impact payment (“EIP”) mistakenly applied to pay your spouse’s debt? If so, you’re not alone. In mid-September, the IRS will automatically send “catch-up” payments to eligible spouses […]

Did someone tell you to pay with gift cards? It’s a scam

Did someone tell you to pay with gift cards? It’s a scam

By Traci Armani, Consumer Education Specialist, Division of Consumer & Business Education, FTC Maybe someone said you’ve won the lottery, a prize or sweepstakes. Or they claim to be from the government and tell you there’s a problem with your Social Security number. And, to collect your winnings or solve your problem, you have to […]

Your voting plan in 4 easy steps

Your voting plan in 4 easy steps

We have just 50 days until Election Day, and it’s imperative that every eligible voter safely casts their ballot amidst the ongoing pandemic. As the ACLU continues to fight for voting rights nationwide, we also want to help you make your own voting plan now. Here are four easy ways to start putting your voting plan […]

The Impact of COVID-19 on Noncitizens and Across the U.S. Immigration System

The Impact of COVID-19 on Noncitizens and Across the U.S. Immigration System

Editorial photo of a lone vehicle and otherwise empty lanes of traffic approaching the crossing of the US/Canadian border into the US, during Covid-19 border shutdown – Blaine, WA/USA-March 20, 2020 (Shutterstock) By Jorge Loweree, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick and Walter Ewing, Ph.D., American Immigration Council The COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus) pandemic, and the federal government’s response, […]

Challenging Customs and Border Protection’s Unlawful Practice of Turning Away Asylum Seekers

Challenging Customs and Border Protection’s Unlawful Practice of Turning Away Asylum Seekers

By American Immigration Council This case challenges the government’s policy – the Turnback Policy – of turning away asylum seekers at ports of entry (POEs) across the U.S.-Mexico border since 2016. The plaintiffs in the case are Al Otro Lado, a non-profit legal services organization that serves indigent deportees, migrants, and refugees in Los Angeles […]

Diversity Visa Ban Struck Down by Judge

Diversity Visa Ban Struck Down by Judge

By Katy Murdza, Immigration Impact A federal judge ordered the Trump administration to resume issuing diversity visas on September 5. Each year, the State Department uses a lottery system to select visa recipients from a broad array of countries. In April, President Trump banned diversity visa recipients from entering the country. What is the diversity visa? Congress established the Diversity Visa Program through […]

USCIS Wants To Increase the Amount of Biometric Data It Collects by Over 60%

USCIS Wants To Increase the Amount of Biometric Data It Collects by Over 60%

By Jorge Loweree, Immigration Impact The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced plans to dramatically expand the personal information that it collects in support of immigration petitions and applications. This new rule will increase the total number of people who are required to submit biometric data from 3.9 million currently to 6.07 million—an increase of more than […]

Citizenship Backlogs at USCIS Will Block Hundreds of Thousands from Voting in the 2020 Election

Citizenship Backlogs at USCIS Will Block Hundreds of Thousands from Voting in the 2020 Election

By Melissa Cruz, Immigration Impact Hundreds of thousands of immigrants might be prevented from voting in the 2020 election—even though they are just one step away from becoming new Americans. Years of fiscal mismanagement at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)—coupled with a series of policy changes under the Trump administration—have led to an enormous backlog of citizenship applications […]

ICE whistleblower: Nurse alleges ‘hysterectomies on immigrant women in US’

ICE whistleblower: Nurse alleges ‘hysterectomies on immigrant women in US’

Advocacy groups have filed a complaint against a migrant detention centre in the US, alleging medical neglect and a lack of virus safety measures. The complaint condemns the practices and conditions at the private Irwin County Detention Center in Georgia. It is based on the allegations of a whistleblower, a nurse identified as Dawn Wooten. […]

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