Schools, workplaces, and communities are expected to play a part in the promotion of breast health and assist in reducing breast cancer risk. As part of observing Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, the Bureau of Health Education within the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs will be organizing a series of activities with the aim of raising awareness on breast health and encouraging the adoption of healthy habits to prevent breast cancer. The theme for this year’s observance is “Saint Lucia MOVES, MOVE to fight Breast Cancer” with the acronym for MOVE being:
M- Mobilize schools, families, workplaces and communities
O- Offer and access screening services within our communities
V- Varied age-appropriate physical activity
E- Educate on breast health and healthy eating habits The activities for this year include:
1. Pink Fridays
a. Workplaces and communities are invited to dress in pink or decorate work stations or the main entrance in pink with a message to generate visibility and demonstrate their championing of the cause of breast cancer prevention.
2. Community members are invited to access screening services at the various Wellness Centers around the island
3. Host a number of Breast health education seminars and screening activities throughout the month of October at workplaces.
4. Engaging our secondary school young ladies on Breast Health”
Saint Lucians are also encouraged to get breast screening done at the various wellness centers during the month of October.
The Bureau of Health Education also calls for the celebration of breast cancer survivors and warriors.