Caribbean Development Bank joins 2X Global Industry Group

The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has joined 2X Global, a global industry group dedicated to increasing the volume and impact of capital directed towards women’s economic empowerment worldwide.

CDB’s participation in 2X Global will increase the Bank’s commitment, capacity, and investment in advancing gender equality in the region.

The 2X Global criteria has established the standard for gender lens investing consistent with the Bank’s strategic policy objectives to improve gender equality data collection, scale-up development financing in developing countries for sustainable development, and promote social, economic, and environmental resilience in BMCs with gender equality as a cross-cutting priority. CDB’s partnership with 2X global will assist the implementation of the Bank’s Gender Equality Policy and Operational Strategic economic empowerment pillar.

It will also contribute to the tracking and attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), particularly SDG 5 (gender equality), SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 1 (reduced inequalities) and SDG 13 (climate action).

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Gender-smart climate finance is a top priority for 2X Global and its members, given the substantial nexus between gender equality and climate goals. The Bank’s membership will advance its strategic objectives to build social, economic, and environmental resilience in BMCs.

Isaac Solomon, Vice President Operations, CDB said that the Bank was delighted to join the 2X Global Community.

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