The e-mobility awareness and capacity in some of the region’s academic and technical institutions recently received a boost following a recent electric vehicle (EV) study tour to Canada.
The exercise was funded by the Caribbean Development Bank (CBD) and the Canadian Support to the Energy Sector
in the Caribbean Fund.
The objectives of the tour were to provide participants with deeper insight into a sustainable and efficient electric
mobility ecosystem.
Also, the tour sought to provide insights into designing and implementing effective training programs to support
the regional electric vehicle industry. CDB Canada study tour in addition, the initiative aimed to identify opportunities for developing public education and awareness programs in the context of a diverse energy market.
The tour agenda included visits to eCamion Inc – a Toronto-based technology provider for battery storage, electric vehicle charging, and energy management solutions.
Participants also visited the Electric Vehicle Discovery Centre – Plug’n Drive – a non-profit organization committed to accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles to maximize their environmental and economic benefits.