IT Professionals Find E-Commerce in the Caribbean Frustrating

IT Professionals Find E-Commerce in the Caribbean Frustrating

Soufriere based Web Developer, Customer Success Engineer and Entrepreneur Uriahs Victor has posted online that “Doing E-Commerce in the Caribbean is frustrating. I’ve been at it for more than 5 years”.

Victor says “To this day, I’ve not found, not 1 Ecommerce Payment Gateway or payments solution that would work for small-medium businesses that aren’t the size of Massy Stores”.

He explains that “If the issue isn’t the payment gateway, its the banks”.

Victor pointed out that high fees are a deterrent to small and micro-enterprises and some platforms require a certain number of years as an account holder to be facilitated.

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In addition, he says some banks require an activation fee, a processing fee and there is a credit card commission among other charges.

Victor also noted that in some cases creating a merchant account can be a lengthy and involved process. He said he’s heard ‘horror stories’ and that in one case it took a customer ‘two years of back and forth’ to finally get a merchant account.

Nashira Brown of Jamaica, a Performance Marketer revealed that she’s been experience that frustration as well noted that ‘fees are incredibly expensive’ concluding that the whole experience is ‘depressing’.

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