Launch in the Region of the Americas of the 2023 progress report of the Decade of Healthy Aging (2021-2030)

Launch in the Region of the Americas of the 2023 progress report of the Decade of Healthy Aging (2021-2030)


Join us on Tuesday, April 2th, from 10:00 to 11:30 am (Washington DC time) on the webinar “Launch in the Region of the Americas of the 2023 progress report of the Decade of Healthy Aging (2021-2030)”.

Within the framework of the Decade of Healthy Aging (2021-2030) and in accordance with the request made by the States to the United Nations and the WHO to report the progress achieved in the years 2023, 2026, 2029 and 2030, and as a continuation of the Reference Report published in 2020, the following event is proposed that will mark the launch of the 2023 Progress Report for the Region.

The results reveal that progress has been made in the first phase of the Decade, despite the challenges that the world has faced since 2020. The report also shows the involvement that the countries of the Region have in the implementation of the Decade, with more than 10 case studies mentioned in the document and more than 50 included in the Platform.

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Although the States of the Region have also formulated new policies, strategies, and frameworks to advance the commitments of the Decade, the challenge is to learn how initiatives can be used and expanded to reach a greater number of older people, who must occupy a central place in the Decade.

With this webinar we hope to celebrate the progress made in the first three years of the Decade in the Region; share examples and inspire actions that can accelerate implementation over the next three years.

How to participate


Target audience

  • Policymakers, with special attention to focal points and other areas involved in healthy aging;
  • Stakeholders in the implementation of the Decade, such as United Nations agencies, civil society, academia, the private sector; and older people.

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