Meet Kenesha Traynham-Cooper 56th AD District Leader

Meet Kenesha Traynham-Cooper 56th AD District Leader

Kenesha Traynham-Cooper was born and raised in the Bedford Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn, New York, Tompkins Houses. She was raised by her mother, the late Sharon Traynham, father Kenneth Cooper and grandparents, Robert Chambers and the late Bessie Traynham. She was always taught to go to school to get good grades so that she could get a great job and so she followed that road map. She graduated with her Bachelor of Psychology from Medgar Evers College and shortly after, God gave her the greatest gift of all, her daughter Amira-Dior Traynham-Artis. Traynham-Cooper was raised to understand the importance of giving back to the community as she shadowed her mother and Godmother, Karen Cherry, volunteering and working for Congressman Edolphus Towns for many years.

Her perception of life grew to become very different as her daughter grew to be a walking reflection of her so she worked hard to ensure that her daughter could have everything she needed and wanted. Traynham-Cooper received her Master of Public Administration from Metropolitan College of New York 2010 while developing a deeper love for the community. After her mother passed away, she decided to create a program in her mother and uncle’s memory entitled the Sharon & Stephen Traynham Creative Arts Fund (SSTCA) for Sickle Cell Disease sending patients to art therapy such as yoga, music, massage, and art. The program lives under the umbrella of the Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network in Brooklyn.

In 2012, Traynham-Cooper realized that to truly have what she wants out of life, she had to create multiple streams of income for herself and her family. She then became a private broker for a few Fortune 500 Companies. She traveled the world showing individuals in households as well as businesses how to lower their overall monthly expenses and help increase businesses’ profit margin. She also has a program in place specifically to help churches and non-profit organizations receive funding through these companies. In January 2015, Traynham-Cooper founded her company, 4 Future Generations, Inc. 4FG is currently an MWBE certified company with the City of New York and specializes in helping individuals live a better life. She serves in several areas such as business development and management, professional development and work readiness, community development, and health and wellness. She is also a consultant for NYCHA Resident Associations throughout New York City. One of her brainchild and relevant programs for NYCHA residents is the “Be Brave-Paint & Create Mental Health Awareness Tour” which is led by youth.

In 2018, she was awarded funding for the non-profit she founded, 4 Future Generations Entrepreneurship and Leadership Foundation, which teaches people as young as 4 years old to adults, entrepreneurship, and leadership with biblical and universal principles. She decided to begin at elementary school because she believes children are sponges and we must help them find their passions and talents and nurture them as well as adults, to result in a recession-proof society. In Summer 2021, Traynham-Cooper offered a free Summer Program for children participating in her home-based daycare, Monday- Friday teaching them financial literacy and at the end of the program, the children were gifted with stock at Charles Schwab Financial Services and a personal at home bank to help implement savings.

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Since 2019, in memory of her grandmother’s birthday, she gives Thanksgiving dinners away on Thanksgiving Day to residents living in public housing. She would give the number of plates that would equate to the same number of years her grandmother would have turned that year. For example, if she would’ve turned 81 that year, then 81 plates would have been given out. For the past 8 years, Ms. Traynham-Cooper has led a Christmas Toy Drive and Toy Distribution where she distributed toys to Tompkins, Marcy, Sumner, Brownsville, and Wagner Housing Developments and Volunteers of America- Domestic Violence Shelter. December 2021 will launch the first year for “Stocks for My Little Tots,” where children in underprivileged communities will not only be gifted with a toy but also stock in companies to begin their journey to financial freedom. In Spring 2019, Traynham-Cooper obtained her Master of Divinity from Nyack College so that she can integrate business, outreach, and ministry. Ms. Traynham-Cooper involves herself with organizations where there would be a platform to not only invest her time and expertise but also to learn from others. All her morals and foundation have derived from Vital Church NYC formerly known as Rose of Sharon Baptist Church located in Jamaica, NY where she worships, she’s the leader of the grow groups ministry, a liturgical dancer, and is led by her spiritual parents Bishop Martin K. Watson and Pastor Gail Watson. Other community-based organizations that she is involved with are the NAACP-NYCHA Branch where she serves as the Chair for Economic Development for New York City. A major part of her focus is to help people who live in New York City Housing Authority and other underprivileged communities. Her goal is to alter the scope of how people view NYCHA residents. ​

Ms. Traynham-Cooper is also a Chaplain and (Chaplain) Instructor with Healing Hearts Chaplaincy under the leadership of Chief Apostle Dr. Kim Best, member of the National Association of Negro and Business Professional Women's Club-Brooklyn Club, Board Member of Power Women & Community Building, Membership Chair for the Lion’s International, Board Member of The Chris Owens Foundation, Outreach Coordinator for the 79th Precinct Community Council, and member of the Association for Black Educators of New York. Traynham-Cooper currently holds the title as the Mayor’s Action Plan Engagement Coordinator and Program Manager for the Center for Court Innovation working directly with the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice for the Neighborhood Safety Initiative in NYCHA. Her community organizing ideology that she has learned and embodied is to go into a community to find the needs, analyze what’s necessary, strategize on how to aid the need, and implement an action plan that's tangible for the people throughout the community to see.

Traynham-Cooper could adapt to any environment and she’s able to become anything she wants to be. To do these things, you must be determined, driven, fearless, wise, and confident. She embodied these traits throughout her entire life due to having to adapt to many different transition periods. Her God-given gift is giving to others. She looks to the future to continue to find a true need in society so that she can create and develop necessary programs for the betterment of the community. Her aim is to not only leave a legacy but also be able to duplicate and multiply all the talents and gifts into others that Jesus Christ has blessed her with.

To learn more about her campaign, visit Vote Kenesha Traynham-Cooper for District Leader, 56th District on June 28, 2022.

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