Caribbean Flavours & Fragrances Limited, CFF, is taking another shot at finding markets for its sugar reduction substitute, Flavour Fit, but this time it’s marketing the product as an ingredient for baked goods. The company is in discussions with a customer in Barbados for use of the product, which was originally intended to capitalize on the trend away from sweetened beverages in Jamaica as consumers became more health conscious. CFF first launched the product four years ago, in 2018, when it retooled and upgraded its manufacturing plant, secured the Safe Quality Foods Certification, and rolled out new products, including Flavour Fit, to local and regional business customers. The sugar reducer was timed to take advantage of directives from the Jamaican government that manufacturers were to reduce the sugar content in beverages they sell and market in Jamaica or face higher taxes. But with no strict enforcement of the low-sugar policy by the government, compliance with the directive lagged and only a handful of local manufacturers took up CFF’s product. Three years later, CFF said it wrote off approximately $20 million in inventory for its sugar-reduction solution related to expired raw materials.
Source -The Jamaica Gleaner