Bernie Sanders Calls Trump A Racist In Exclusive Interview With “NOTICIAS TELEMUNDO”

Bernie Sanders Calls Trump A Racist In Exclusive Interview With “NOTICIAS TELEMUNDO”

MIAMI – June 2, 2019 (Telemundo) – Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders sat with Noticias Telemundo’s Anchor Julio Vaqueiro for an exclusive one-on-one interview. They talked about President Trump, gun control, the Democratic primaries, and immigration policy, among other issues of interest to the Latino community. Highlights of the interview aired today on “Noticias Telemundo.” An extended version will be available for streaming via, the mobile app of Noticias Telemundo and the Noticias Telemundo properties on Facebook and YouTube

Next, some interview highlights (This is a rush transcript and it is subject to change. Please credit “Noticias Telemundo” if you quote this material):

President Trump

“I think President Trump, and I say this without any joy in my heart, I think he is a racist. I think the things that he’s been saying about the Latino community from way back when… the people from Mexico, whether they’re rapists and they’re criminals. You remember all of that stuff. It’s disgusting.”

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“If I won the nomination, I would have defeated Donald Trump.”

“We need a candidate who can really defeat Trump. And all of the polling out there has me defeating Trump. Especially in battleground states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and others.

Immigration policy

“We need comprehensive immigration reform, not terrorizing people. You got millions of people who are scared to death today. And we have got to end that and provide a path toward citizenship.”

Gun control

“You’re talking about an epidemic of mass shootings. It is a horror.”

“What we have got to do is pass common sense gun safety legislation which makes sure that people who should not own guns do not own those guns.”

“That means ending the gun show loophole. It means, in my view, getting rid of automatic weapons in the civilian population.” … “And we have to take on the N.R.A.” … (The N.R.A is) “now a right wing political force.”

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